Opening Hours: Monday - Saturday 9 am to 5 pm
  • Time Office:
    Monday to Friday 9:00am - 6:00pm

About us

About The Healer

Kanu priya - Your Life Healer

Kanu Priya's journey from being a migraine sufferer to becoming a beacon of healing for over a thousand individuals is nothing short of extraordinary. As a Reiki Grand Master, she has traversed a path of transformation, touching lives in profound ways.
Her approach to healing knows no bounds, as she has successfully treated individuals facing diverse challenges, ranging from pregnant women to COVID patients, cancer survivors to those battling alcohol addiction, and even individuals grappling with Parkinson's Disease. Kanu Priya's dedication to her craft extends beyond conventional boundaries, showcasing a deep understanding of healing crystals and guiding others in selecting the right ones for their unique journey to wellness..

Beyond Reiki, Kanu Priya is a versatile teacher, imparting knowledge in various modalities including Magnified Healing, Karuna Reiki, Switchwords, Angel Therapy, Lama Fera, Kundalini Reiki, Crystal Therapy, Colour Therapy, Candle Magic Healing, Cord Cutting, Money Reiki, Pendulum Dowsing, Psychic Surgery, Zibu Symbols, and more. Her mastery in these disciplines is not just theoretical; she seamlessly integrates them into her healing practices, offering a holistic approach to wellness.

Furthermore, Kanu Priya extends her wisdom through workshops aimed at empowering individuals to navigate life's challenges with resilience and grace. These workshops cover a spectrum of topics including Stress Management, Anger Management, Memory Improvement, Positive Affirmations, Law of Attraction, and Overcoming Laziness, reflecting her commitment to fostering personal growth and well-being in others.
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Working Process

01 - Cleansing
People with ideas and experience to develop a vision for the future
02 - Healing
The right tools at the right time enhances the shard economy
03 - Counselling
Intgrating clients with partners is the focus of everyday business
04 - Guidance
Bringing highly-anticipated programs to the marketplace